Monday, July 12, 2010

Tango (2)

Geraldine and Javier Video Link

Having taken tango lessons, I can assure you that it is an extremely sexist art form. The man guides the woman's movements by applying pressure with base of his palm into her back. Experts will tell you there is no woman's tango; the style is determined by the man. Yet the woman is no delicate flower in heels. She's a femme fatale.
Perhaps it's this ritualized domination and submission that makes the tango so witheringly romantic. Geraldine and Javier are my favorite youtube tango couple. Even at a simple rehearsal, they may be the best couple to ever cross the floor.


Anonymous said...

Speaking of fancy footwork, I saw this the other day and knew I had to show you. It's fun AND nightmare-inducing.

BTW- I'm so glad you're blogging again. Whew!


Grumpy Old Man said...

A friend once said, "A patriarchy is just a repressed matriarchy."