Sunday, July 6, 2008

Rolling Stones Live in 1967

I've been strangely obsessed lately with late sixties Rolling Stones music. There is something raw, fun, and pure Rock n' Roll about it. Makes the Beatles seem wussy by comparison. Please note that Keith Richards wasn't always scary.

Top 5 tunes from before 1970

1. Paint It Black
2. She's A Rainbow
3. Back Street Girl
4. Dandelion
5. Street Fighting Man


Grumpy Old Man said...

"Paint it Black" is one of the all time top tunes.

"No coulours anymore, I want them painted black . . ."

Anonymous said...

Do you suppose my Alvin hair stylist would find it odd if I took this picture of Keith richards in and asked her to whack my hair into this cut? I totally dig it. I can't believe he is actually attractive here. Lisa